It's been an amazing summer, in fact we are still having some really wonderful weather.
We had several days over 100 degrees this summer which is very unusual. Unfortunately, the day of our annual river float was on the cool side with it only getting in the 70's but 30 people took to the river and had loads of fun anyway.
The river has been so pretty this season.
It's been very busy around here since I last posted. I got so frustrated with typepad as it kept crashing on me that I pretty much got out of the habit of posting. It has crashed on me already twice this morning so I am not hopeful. At least now there is an auto save so I don't lose my post every time.
I have also been lured away by the ease of Facebook and Twitter but I have to admit, this website is way more fun to do.
We have some new additions to the family. First is Willy.
She is a pygmy goat that we got from a neighbor. She eats blackberries and other weeds like nobody's business and we love that since we have about 5 acres of blackberries. I love the blackberries, but there are way more than we or the birds and deer can use. The majority of the berries end up molding on the vine. It will be nice to get them under control and have access to the rest of our property. We are going to start them on clearing some paths this weekend.
And, if any of you know me at all you know that I can't just have is the Noah's Ark of animals around here. So, meet Stormy.
He is a 6 month old Nigerian dwarf goat. He has been "fixed" and since they call fixed male goats "wethers", we named him Stormy.
The big surprise was that while we got Stormy so Willy would not be lonely, Willy is extremely jealous of Stormy. They compete for food first and foremost but they also both want to be petted and scratched. They are very social animals.
We lost a few chickens over the last year and replaced a few. I picked up 5 chicks in April and while I have had good luck in the past picking hens I got 3 roosters out of the last 5!
These three Innocent looking chicks were big beautiful roosters. Well, I can't have roosters here, for one they pester the hens nonstop but they are way to loud for the neighbors.
Lucky for us and them they have a chicken exchange program at the cenex, I can leave roosters for free and buy hens for $10 each. I took in the three roosters and got two Buff Orpingtons. So we have 8 hens now, that should keep us in eggs for the winter.
The goats and the chickens get along really well. Those are the three roosters there having a chat with Willy before they went off to the cenex.
I built them a new house. They needed more room and I needed a house that was easier to clean. I used those pre made cedar fence panels which made the job really easy. Dave put the roof on for me.
Lot's of perches and a vinyl floor that makes it easy to clean.
Three next boxes.
I still have to finish the outside egg collecting door and plug the holes on the top but I think it will work out just fine. It's funny, there are three perches and the three elders take the top perch, the two teenagers take the middle and the babies get the bottom perch.
Here are the teenagers, the two hens from the April batch of chicks.
I have been told my luck was bad because this was a "straight run" or rather the mutts of the chicken world. It's best to go with a breed like the Buff Orpingtons since they have better luck sexing them.
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